With the holidays just around the corner, I figured it would be a good time to promote my Texture Powder Styler…this unique product would make a great gift for anyone who has flat fine hair that needs more body or oily flat thick hair that needs de-greasing!
I thought it would be a good idea for me to wrap them nicely (as they can be an awkward shape to wrap oneself, including instructions) so that its all ready to go!
After afew trips and long Q’s to Michael’s and Jo-Ann Fabrics, I came up with this idea…
I used a gold coin to represent the lighter shade and a black coin to represent the darker, it looks simple but believe me it was hard to make it look Christmassy without the tackiness of it all, and with my first version, I tried to keep it all natural looking and it ended up looking like a sack made from Jesus' cloak!! I’ll show you just for a larf..
It had a round bottom so it just kept falling over!!
Anyway, once I was happy with my wrapping I ended up doing quite afew where they will be sold at Dekko Salon in San Francisco, CA. (sorry picture’s abit dark, it took forever!)
For online sales, if you like the way I’ve wrapped it, I can do some special wrapped orders but please drop me a line first at jules@jujuchan.com
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.........
Oooo, sorry Mr. but this is one is a huge ‘Miss’ to me I’m afraid!! Just about everything is a No No. The frizzy perm on top of the blow dried into place bottom section, framing the face and looking overly feminine just does nothing for suitability. The shape is way too round, and then there’s the color..Yuck!

So when I go to the UK (England) I usually get soo excited and stimulated by all the different styles, whether in clothing or in hair, so you can imagine my disappointment this time when I didnt see my usual inspirations! I was hoping to come home with lots of pictures to show you of great hair, but alas, it was not meant to be, I managed to find 4 people who were willing to let me take shots of their hair. But never mind.. what I lacked in pictures of hair, I made up with pictures of great scenery and food : )
I found UK to be like everywhere else in the world this time and I think the world is becoming like ONE, you can find just about everything everywhere, not much individuality left in this world : (
So whether the world really is merging or whether it was just the fact that I was only in London for 3days and I was soo busy shopping that all the cool hair was just passing me by, I'm not sure! But enjoy anyway!
Every so often in Dekko Salon we get clients who really want to have full-on changes, so here we have Helen who came in to see Joni Shibata at the salon for her change.
Here’s Helen before her haircut:
The hair is in a long basic layered look with a softer swept over fringe. She wanted to have a much shorter asymmetric look, which was stronger, trendier and had some ‘pop’ to it, she brought in a picture with a slight bowl look and here was Joni’s interpretation of it using both scissors for the bluntness and a razor for the texture. Very cute and dramatic. Thanks Helen for letting us show it and letting us know how much you love it : )
Another messy updo that I love. An elegant, classy sophisticated shape combined with a loose, messy, couldnt care less feel! This is how ALL updo’s should be like!
Takeshi Kaneshiro:
Seems like there is a lot of lady fans out there so I couldn't resist putting together my own collection of his hair and different look, personally I prefer him with his longer locks but hey, with this kind of cuteness, who cares, He can come anyway he wants : )
Here's to keep you all happy for now, Enjoy!
The other week I spent a fun filled day working with some of the great staff at Hyphen Magazine (a non-profit magazine focusing on Asian-American topics, you can subscribe by following the link). What started as a simple article about me and my new JujuChan product written by Margot Seeto, then became more and then even more, ending up with a section about my top 5 Asian hair offenses, now, because pictures speak louder than words, we ended up doing a photo session to try to capture my looks.
Thanks to Andria Lo and Erica Jones (from Hyphen) who took this to the next level, who then introduced me to the photographer Patrick Gonzales Rafanan and his lovely assistant Lydia Ortiz, both from Soybaby. The make up artist on the shoot was Elaine Fujii who captured all the looks to go with the dreaded hairstyles, not an easy feat, I know. Also Thanks to Scott Klassen from Dekko salon who came along to help me with the hair, doing such a great job on our Taiwanese/Mall fringe look : )
It was an ultra fun shoot, I have never done a shoot where we needed to make sure everyone looked BAD.. quite hard I must say, difficult when your models put the bad wigs on and end up looking abit hip!! Not our idea, but we got there in the end..
Thanks to all our models from the shoot for having such a great sense of humor an allowing us to make them look bad and foolish, such great sports, so thumbs up to you all : )
Seanathan Chow, Ga Wa, Mary Ann Lumba and Tamera Enriguez.
Enjoy afew backstage shots from the day. The actual article is due out mid December so I cant wait.. Woo Hoo!
Patrick and Lydia setting up, Seanathan who did double duties:
Elaine and Scott at work with Mary Ann:
Before’s and After’s – Ga Wa and Tamera:
I find some of Frederick Fekkai’s Hair Products to be great, this one is his heat activated Wave Spray which works by misting it onto the damp hair and using a hair dryer to create a tousled, ‘beachy’ look, by shaping it with your fingers while it dries.
I didnt love this one as much as some of Fekkai’s other stuff, I found it left the hair with abit of a dry and coarse feeling afterwards, with the hair frizzing quite easily. Some of his curly hair products gave my hair a much nicer softer beachier feel than this one did. Maybe this one might work better on finer hair?
Been in the hair industry for over 20 years,I'd like to share my ideas with you! www.juleschan.com www.dekkosalon.com
- Cool Mops (35)
- Dekko's Daily Grind (28)
- Hair Article (71)
- JuJu's Bits and Bobs (128)
- Press and Write Ups (16)
- Product Review (50)
- Stylists Tips (48)