I have noticed everywhere I look nowadays there are young women (Asian, in particular) who have been walking around with Anime contacts in. For those who don’t know what they are – these are contacts of any color that are larger than the average size contacts that gives the ‘doll’ like look. Of course Lady Gaga had to be there first with her ginormous contacts for her Bad Romance video. I have a suspicious feeling that one day soon I will be writing about her latest shoulder horns when they too become mainstream!!
So here’s the advertising version of one eye in, along with my very own version.. of course I had to try!!
And here are the different colors, Lighter Brown, and for added effect I wore blue in one eye (right) and violet in the other (left)!
Cute right? Yeah, maybe if cute, funky and under 40!! Just to show you how it can look if it starts to wander within the eye.. not a very good look on me.. HaHa!